
fifty seven days

happy eight weeks to my fuzzy headed little man!

i love your long, beautiful eyelashes that have grown in the past few weeks. those dark blue eyes are going to make you a heart breaker someday.

i love it when daddy goes grocery shopping and comes home with zucchini & carrots that are almost as big as you!

i love watching you while you sleep. you are so sweet & peaceful.

i love the few newborn hairs that you have left on top of your head. you've got the cutest little alfalfa spike on top of your head and your new hairs are growing in quickly, covering the top of your head in the funniest little peach fuzz.

i love taking naps with you. there are lots of other things i could be doing, but i like to take advantage of your delightful snuggles every once in awhile. someday you probably won't love to snuggle me as much as you do now, so i am getting lots of cuddles in now.

i love you, my sweet boy.


  1. Wow! He is so cute!! Love the sleeping pictures! So precious!

  2. Oh my he has changed so much since the last time I saw him. I love his chubby cheeks and his sweet little sticking up hair. He's beautiful!
